Our Community
St Luke’s on Beeston Hill is a mile south of Leeds city centre at the heart of an estate that is home to around 1800 households. The residents here are wonderful! We are privileged to have families who has lived here for generations as well as new communities from many different backgrounds. As a church, we love the estate and are and are at the heart of our community.
Sadly, below the surface, our community has significant challenges. There are high levels of social deprivation, with many socio-economic indicators of poverty and decline. Life can be hard but we think our estate deserves better, and believe that long-term positive community change is possible. We decided to do some research to see what the areas of need are, and how we might respond to them.
Between 2014-2017 we did several community consultations to find out what local people really thought the most important challenges were. The questions asked helped us build a strategic picture of the needs of the area. Throughout the course of our research, through visiting and street surveys we were able to contact over 35% of the local community.
What do local people think?
The six most prevalent problems facing the area were identified by respondents as:
1) Drugs (52%)
2) Unemployment (46%)
3) Crime (42%)
4) Lack of opportunity (38%)
5) Lack of education (28%)
6) Prostitution (6%).
Other problems raised include quad bikes, antisocial behaviour, violence against women, litter and dog fouling, drunkenness, anti-social behaviour, inter-racial tension. Additionally, throughout our interviews, we heard time and time again, that there is not enough to do in the community, for both children/young people and adults and the elderly, and that loneliness and isolation are very significant problems.
As a church we want to love and serve and work with those around us – over the next few years we have a great opportunity to do so!
About us
St Luke’s mission is pretty simple: be rooted in Christ and serve our community.
St Luke’s is constantly growing: in numbers and in outreach to our community.
We love God and love our part of Leeds: Holbeck and Beeston Hill.
Here at St Luke’s we long to support our community and meet as many people as possible. Hundreds of diverse individuals from all walks of life come through our doors each week and we are privileged to welcome each and every one into the Church.
Here at St Luke’s you will always find a warm welcome and a friendly face. We pride ourselves on services which are inclusive, meaningful and relevant. Our community celebrates it’s diversity with music and international meals throughout the year.
There’s so much to discover about St Luke’s.
Read here to discover more about our team, our community and out vision
St Luke’s Church, Malvern Road, Leeds, LS11 8PD.
Click here for directions
There is usually plenty of parking in the surrounding streets, though we ask you park considerately.
The Parish Safeguarding Officer at St Luke’s is Rowena Brewer. If you have a safeguarding concerns or questions please email stlukessafeguarding@gmail.com
St Luke’s has agreed the following statement of safeguarding principles:
- We will carefully select, support and train all those with any responsibility within St Luke’s. All workers with children or vulnerable adults are DBS (criminal records) checked and training is available on safeguarding issues.
- We will respond without delay to every complaint made, that any adult, child or young person may have been harmed, cooperating with the police and local authority in any investigation.
- We will offer pastoral care and support to anyone who has suffered abuse, developing with them an appropriate ministry that recognises the importance of understanding the needs of those who have been abused, including their feelings of alienation and/or isolation.
- We will protect survivors of sexual abuse from the possibility of further harm and abuse.
- We will challenge any abuse of power, especially by anyone in a position of trust.
- We will offer pastoral care and support, including supervision, and referral to the appropriate authorities, to any member of St Luke’s known to have offended against a child, young person or vulnerable adult.
- In all these principles we will follow legislation, guidance and recognised good practice.
St Luke’s Church follows the Church of England policy on all matters relating to safeguarding of children and adults.
Parish Safeguarding Handbook, please click here to view.
Safer Environment and Activities, please click here to view.
Code of Safer Working Practice, please click here to view.